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社會福祉施設長의 리더십 類型과 社會福祉士의 職務滿足 및 組織沒入과의 關係

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A Study on Relationship between Leadership Style of Social Welfare Organization Leaders and Social Workers' Job Satisfaction and Organization Commitment
The purpose of this study is to examine empirically the relationship between Leadership Style of Social Welfare Organization Leaders and Social Workers' Job Satisfaction and Organization Commitment focused on social worker in jeju.

The analysis data was received from 309 social workers who worked in social welfare center and living facilities located in jeju. The data was analysed by frequency analysis, descriptive, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis using the SPSS/win 12.0 program.

To achieve these purpose, research questions are as follow:
First, how does general character variable and work-related variable of subjects effect on worker's job satisfaction and organizational commitment?
Second, how does transformational and transactional leadership factor of leader effect on worker's job satisfaction and organizational commitment?
Third, how does work-related satisfaction of subjects effect on worker's organizational commitment?
Fourth, how does leader' leadership style recognized of subjects effect on organizational commitment?

The results of this study are as follow:
First, it has revealed that the gender, turnover intention of subjects had an effect on worker's job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
Second, it has revealed that charisma factor etc among transformational leadership factor had an effect on worker's job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
Third, it has revealed that self-improvement, personnel-related, and colleague relationship among work-related satisfaction had an effect on worker's organizational commitment.
Fourth, it has revealed that transformational leadership among leader' leadership style had an effect on worker's organizational commitment.

On the basis of above results, it suggests that leader of social welfare organization should their transformational and transactional leadership for raising social workers' job satisfaction and organizational commitment. and good leader did not only pursuits single leadership style, but also use transformational and transactional leadership to their organization.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2008. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Hyun, Bong-Won
행정대학원 행정학과
Table Of Contents
제1장 서 론 1
제1절 연구 필요성 1
제2절 연구목적 2

제2장 이론적 배경 3
제1절 리더십 3
제2절 직무(근무)만족 18
제3절 조직몰입 21
제4절 제주지역 사회복지 시설 및 사회복지사 현황 31

제3장 연구방법 34
제1절 연구대상 34
제2절 연구모형 및 변수의 조작적 정의 36
제3절 연구문제 및 주요가설 40
제4절 측정도구 42
제5절 자료분석 방법 45

제4장 연구 결과 46
제1절 개인적 특성과 근무관련 만족도 및 조직몰입 46
제2절 리더십 유형의 하위 요인변수와 근무관련 만족도 및 조직몰입 49
제3절 근무관련 만족도와 조직몰입 53
제4절 리더십 유형과 조직몰입 54

제5장 결론 및 제언 57
제1절 연구결과 요약 및 함의 57
제2절 연구의 한계 및 제언 60

참 고 문 헌 61
설 문 지 66
제주대학교 행정대학원
玄奉元. (2008). 社會福祉施設長의 리더십 類型과 社會福祉士의 職務滿足 및 組織沒入과의 關係
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