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전시컨벤션센터 참가자가 인지하는 속성의 중요도와 만족도 차이 연구

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A Study on Importance and Satisfaction of Convention and Exhibition Center Attributes
Worldwide, convention industry is being recognized as a 'blue chip' to bring huge profits to the tourism and hospitality industry. Convention industry is variously involved not only in facilities and services for international conference and exhibition, but also in tourism, leisure, lodging, transportation, communication and food and beverage industry.
Convention is being considered as the most vigorous and growth-oriented part of tourism industry, can be used as a solution of off-season and makes a contribution to marketing and development of new markets of tourism industry. For these reasons, many domestic regions are planning to build convention centers. Especially, convention and exhibition center is being regarded as one of commodities and services, and thus many regions are highly interested in opening differentiated and attractive conventions and satisfying visitors and participants, currently.
Convention and exhibition center manager needs to attract capable and reliable manpower, develop an excellent physical environment and design a process to deliver efficient services. But the more important thing is to understand substantial elements of the convention market, that is, convention and exhibition center's attributes perceived by participants who are the final consumers.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the Importance and Satisfaction of the convention and exhibition center attributes between Korean and Foreigner participants for attending at the medical conference. For the purpose, this study conducted both literature review and empirical research.
Literature review examined the concept, role, type, function, main facilities and present condition of the convention and exhibition center and studied the medical conference, convention service attributes and convention destination attributes. Convention and exhibition center's attributes were derived four factors, which were 'external environment', 'meeting facilities', 'supplementary facilities' and 'employee services'.
In the empirical research, a questionnaire survey was conducted in BEXCO convention center with 150 Korean and 150 Foreigner participants in the 10th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific that was held in Busan during the period from the 26th to 30th of August, 2011. Collected data were analyzed using SPSS 17.0 for Windows. Frequency analysis, factor analysis were performed, and paired t-test, independent samples t-test, multiple regression and IPA were utilized in analysis. The results of analysis based on the hypotheses are as follow.
The items considered as important in the attribution of a convention and exhibition center in order of priority were 'staff's kindness and good manner', 'cleanliness of convention halls', and 'staff's prompt response for visitors and participants'. The item of 'convenient accessibility of transportation service of the convention center' was demonstrated as the highest satisfaction in the attribution of the convention and exhibition center. According to paired t-test undertaken to verify differences between the importance and satisfaction of the attribution of the convention and exhibition center, it was identified that all the measured items showed significant differences.
The result of the independent sample t-test analysing the differences in the importance of the convention and exhibition center among Korean and foreign participants showed that there were significant differences in the external environment and supplementary facilities perceived by Korean and foreign participants. In the satisfaction of the convention and exhibition center attribution, it was investigated that there were significant differences in the meeting facilities, supplementary facilities and employee services. Besides, according to the result of comparison of the importance and satisfaction between Korean and foreign participants, it showed that the foreign participants responded with higher mean values in both importance and satisfaction than the Korean participants.
The items influencing the overall satisfaction by the participants' importance and satisfaction of convention and exhibition center attributions were external environment, meeting facilities, supplementary facilities, and employee services, all of which influenced to the overall satisfaction.
The result from analysing IPA of Korean and foreign participants showed that, in case of Korean participants, the attributions of 'cleanliness of convention halls', 'sound and soundproof of convention hall', and 'staff's kindness and good manner' were in the high importance and satisfaction.
However, 'size and diversity of convention halls', 'temperature and lighting of convention halls', 'foreign language skills of employees', 'staff's professionalism about conference', 'staff's serious-mindedness of customer's opinions', and 'staff's prompt response for visitors and participants' were shown to be in the low satisfaction compared to the importance. In case of foreigners, they responded with high importance and satisfaction in the items of 'size and diversity of convention halls', 'temperature and lighting of convention halls', 'cleanliness of convention halls', 'sound and soundproof of convention hall', 'staff's kindness and good manner', 'staff's professionalism about conference', and 'staff's prompt response for visitors and participants'. And although the foreigners recognized the high importance of 'foreign language skills of employees' and 'staff's serious-mindedness of customer's opinions', they showed low satisfaction in the items.
Attribution placed in the third quadrant are 'high quality and diversity of food and beverage', 'restaurant service within the convention center', and 'various souvenir sale in booth'. In the fourth quadrant, external environmental attributions of 'location of the convention center', 'surrounding landscape of the convention center', and 'convenient accessibility of transportation of the convention center' are placed.
Based on the findings, it is demonstrated that the Korean and foreign participants perceive the importance of 'meeting facilities' and 'employee services' among the attributions of convention and exhibition centers.
In conclusion, this study can be used as an important material in the way that it provides useful information about marketing of domestic convention centers including the BEXCO convention and exhibition center, establishes concrete and practical plans to maximize satisfaction of local and foreign participants and gives strategical implications to revitalize convention centers.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2012. 2
Alternative Author(s)
Koo, Sung-Hae
대학원 관광경영학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
1. 문제의 제기 1
2. 연구의 목적 4
3. 연구의 방법과 범위 5
Ⅱ. 이론적 고찰 7
1. 전시컨벤션센터와 학술대회 7
1) 전시컨벤션센터 개념, 유형 및 기능 7
2) 전시컨벤션센터 시설 및 현황 11
3) 의료국제학술대회 16
2. 전시컨벤션센터 속성에 관한 선행연구 19
1) 컨벤션 서비스 속성 19
2) 컨벤션 개최지 속성 23
3) 전시컨벤션센터 속성 24
3. 중요도-만족도 27
1) 중요도-만족도 분석 27
2) 중요도-만족도 분석에 관한 선행연구 29
Ⅲ. 연구 설계 31
1. 연구의 모형 31
2. 연구의 가설 설정 32
3. 변수의 조작적 정의 33
4. 연구조사 설계 34
1) 제10차 아시아․태평양 에이즈 학술대회 개요 34
2) 설문지의 구성과 측정방법 36
3) 자료수집 및 분석방법 36
Ⅳ. 실증 분석 38
1. 표본의 특성과 자료의 검증 38
1) 표본의 특징 38
2) 변수의 신뢰성 및 타당성 검증 41
2. 가설의 검증 44
1) 연구가설 1의 검증 44
2) 연구가설 2의 검증 48
3) 연구가설 3의 검증 49
4) 연구가설 4의 검증 50
3. 중요도-만족도(IPA) 분석 53
1) 내국인 참가자 전시컨벤션센터 속성의 중요도-만족도 분석 53
2) 외국인 참가자 전시컨벤션센터 속성의 중요도-만족도 분석 56
4. 분석결과 요약 및 시사점 58
1) 분석결과의 요약 58
2) 분석결과의 시사점 61
Ⅴ. 결 론 63
1. 연구결과의 요약 63
2. 연구의 한계점 및 향후 연구 방향 65
제주대학교 대학원
구성혜. (2011). 전시컨벤션센터 참가자가 인지하는 속성의 중요도와 만족도 차이 연구
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