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발전 및 해수담수화를 위한 태양열 해양온도차 시스템 성능평가

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Performance Evaluation of Solar-OTEC (ocean thermal energy conversion) system for power generation and seawater desalination
Ocean thermal energy conversion(OTEC) is a electric power generation
method that utilizes temperature difference between the warm surface
seawater and cold deep seawater of ocean. As potential sources of
clean-energy supply, OTEC power plants' viability has been investigated.
However, The OTEC system has problems of low efficiency and high
investment cost because the temperature difference between the surface and
the deep sea is small, long pipe line and pumping cost for using cold deep
Therefore, in this present study, the OTEC system combines with solar
system. It evaluated the thermodynamic performance of solar-OTEC
convergence system for the simultaneous production with electric power and
desalinated water. The performance analysis of solar-OTEC convergence
system was carried out as the fluid temperature, saturated temperature
difference and pressure of flash evaporator under equivalent conditions. The
results showed that the performance of solar-open OTEC system is the
highest at the flash evaporator pressure of 10 kPa. At this time, the system
efficiency, electric power and desalination production enhancement ratios were
approximately 3.9, 13.9, 5.1 times higher than that of the base open OTEC
system, respectively.
The results showed that maximum system efficiency, electric power and
fresh water output of solar-open OTEC system show at 40, 10, 2.5 kPa of
the flash evaporator pressure, respectively. And the irrespective enhancement
ratios were approximately 15.3, 5.3, 8.6 times higher than that of the base
open OTEC system. Also, performance of solar-OTEC system is the highest
in the flash evaporator pressure of 10 kPa.
Also, the performance of solar-hybrid OTEC system is the highest at the
inflow fluid temperature of evaporator of 80℃. The system efficiency, electric
power and desalination production enhancement ratios were approximately 3.4,
3.5, 14.4 times higher than that of the base hybrid OTEC system.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2016. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Yang, Yong Woo
대학원 에너지공학과
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서 론 1
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 5
1. 해양온도차발전 5
1) 폐쇄형 사이클 6
2) 개방형 사이클 8
3) 재생사이클 10
4) 칼리나 사이클 11
5) 혼합형 사이클 12
2. 태양열-복합 OTEC 시스템 14
1) 태양열-개방형 OTEC 시스템 14
2) 태양열-혼합형 OTEC 시스템 16
Ⅲ. 시스템 해석방법 18
1. 시스템 모델링 18
1) 기화기 21
Ⅳ. 시스템 해석 결과 및 고찰 24
1. 태양열-개방형 OTEC 시스템 성능 분석 결과 24
1) 공급온도와 포화온도차에 따른 시스템 성능비교 24
2) 기화기 압력에 따른 성능비교 28
2. 태양열-혼합형 OTEC 시스템 성능 분석 결과 32
1) 작동유체에 따른 성능비교 32
2) 공급온도에 따른 성능비교 37
3. 태양열-OTEC 시스템 태양열 집열기 면적 산정 40
Ⅴ. 결 론 43
참 고 문 헌 45
감사의 글
제주대학교 대학원
양용우. (2016). 발전 및 해수담수화를 위한 태양열 해양온도차 시스템 성능평가
Appears in Collections:
Faculty of Applied Energy System > Energy and Chemical Engineering
공개 및 라이선스
  • 공개 구분공개
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