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Liver-on-Chip Development for Pathophysiological Emulation and Drug Toxicity Testing

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The liver is a vital organ and plays a crucial role in the homeostasis of the human body. Detoxification, metabolism, nutrient storage, hemopoiesis, and synthesis of essential biomolecules are its core functions. Hepatic enzymes are specialized in drug metabolism and biotransformation. In comparison, hepatocytes assimilate metabolites and produce several types of cytokines and proteins. Food, aging, environment, and lifestyle directly influence the liver’s health. Cancer, viral infections, alcohol abuse, and metabolic syndromes are the leading causes of hepatic pathologies. Animals and cell culture models are employed to model and investigate hepatic anomalies and therapeutics. However, genetic variation, ethical issues, and higher costs are limiting animal testing in medicine. In comparison, cell culture models exhibit poor translation capacity due to a lack of peculiar in vivo hepatic microenvironment. Therefore, this research pivots the development of a microfluidic-based in vitro liver model to overcome the ethical and translational issues. In this thesis, the focus was given to creating a liver-on-chip for modeling liver diseases and testing various pharmaceutical substances. Human hepatocytes were used to develop a liver-on-chip model, and it was monitored with embedded sensors. As a result, hepatic fibrosis modeling and anticancer drug toxicity were successfully performed, and a novel method of fibrosis developmental study was introduced. In brief, liver-on-chip is a promising model that can aid and overcome the challenges faced by clinicians and researchers in reverse engineering, translation medicine, precision medicine, and drug discovery.
Farooqi, Hafiz Muhammad Umer
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2022. 2
Alternative Author(s)
파루키 하피즈 무하마드 우메르
제주대학교 대학원
대학원 에너지응용시스템학부
Choi, Kyung Hyun
Table Of Contents
1. Objectivs of Thesis. 1
2. Inroduction. 2
2.1. Organ-on-Chip 2
2.2. Liver-on-Chip 5
3. Background 6
3.1. Real-Time Monitoring of Liver-on-Chip.. 6
4. Material and Methods. 8
4.1. Liver-on-Chip Device Fabrication 8
4.2. Liver-on-Chip Cell Seeding and Tissue Formation. 8
4.3. Liver Fibrosis-on-Chip Disease Modeling. 11
4.4. Drug Concentrations Preparation 12
4.5. TEER, ROS, and pH sensors Development for Real-Time Monitoring. 12
4.6. Biomarkers Estimation 16
4.7. Cell Viability and Immunofluorescent Staining 17
4.8. Fluidic Simulation for Liver-on-Chip Device. 18
5. Results 19
5.1. Liver-on-Chip Construction and Real-Time Monitoring 19
5.2. Liver-on-Chip Functional Validation Through Biomarkers 22
5.3. Liver-on-Chip Anticancer Drugs Toxicity Testing 26
5.4. Liver Fibrosis-on-Chip Disease Modeling 35
5.5. Liver Fibrosis Prediction Using TEER Sensor. 38
5.6. Estimation of ROS within Liver Fibrosis-on-Chip Model Using ROS Sensor 39
5.7. Effect of Extracellular Matrix on Liver Fibrosis-on-Chip Model. 41
6. Discussion 42
6.1. Liver-on-Chip Based Drug Toxicity Testing. 42
6.2. Real-Time Monitoring of Liver Fibrosis-on-chip Model 45
7. Conclusion and Future Perspectives.. 49
8. References.. 51
제주대학교 대학원
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Faculty of Applied Energy System > Mechanical Enginering
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  • 공개 구분공개
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