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박물관의 교육프로그램 활성화 방안 연구

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A Study on the Activation Method of Social Education Programs of Museum
These days, a museum promotes its mission not only to collect, preserve, research, and display relics, but also to actively change its vital role.
Jeju has unique culture due to its natural characteristic of island and also persues openness to the world with promotion of "Free International city".
Therefore, the securing of cultural identity becomes the core task and public museum should perform its central role.
This study aims to analyze educational programs and provides proper suggestions focusing on Folklore and Natural History Museum Jeju Special Self-Governing Province.
This study conducted a survey intended for experts like curators.
The results of this survey present several problems such as insufficient publicity, inflexible program operation hours, insufficient experts related with educational programs, annually identical educational programs, and limited budget.
Suggestions to fix up theses problems are as belows.
First, experience-oriented and local history-related programs should be developed. Second, the opportunity of local experience should be provided trying to suit different groups. Third, Synergy effect should be produced through cooperation with other organizations. Fourth, sufficient experts and budgets should be guaranteed. Fifth, active promotions should be facilitated.
Last, decision makers' perception on the educational programs of museum should be renewed.
What is the most important thing is staffs' perception on the educational programs. They have to renew their sense on the importance of educational programs.
Issues with active publicity and budget should be solved with willing to improve program operation.
It might be a good idea to nominate a director of museum through open type bidding system, which can be devoted to the original establishment purpose and role.
It is also helpful to vitalize educational programs of museum.
It is said that the 21 century is the age of local areas and cultures.
Because just a slogan doesn't make it come true, however, Jeju has to devote its efforts to strengthening cultural competitiveness.
It has to fully recognize the importance of educational programs for local cultural development. Finally, the identity of Jeju culture can be learned and experienced with these programs.
When educational programs are vitalized, Jeju Folklore and Natural History Museum might be reborn as a representative of "Jeju, paradise of museums" that meets the demands of culture and establishment of identity for local residents.
Issued Date
Awarded Date
2011. 8
Alternative Author(s)
Kang, Eun-Sil
교육대학원 역사교육
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 1
1. 연구의 목적 1
2. 연구의 범위와 방법 2

제2장 박물관 교육프로그램의 기능과 운영사례 4
1. 박물관 교육프로그램의 기능 4
2. 교육프로그램 운영사례 7
1) 경기도박물관 교육프로그램 7
2) 서대문자연사박물관 교육프로그램 16

제3장 민속자연사박물관의 교육프로그램 운영현황 21
1. 민속자연사박물관 일반현황 21
2. 교육프로그램 운영현황과 만족도 23

제4장 민속자연사박물관의 교육프로그램 운영실태와 활성화 방안 34
1. 설문 대상 및 구성 34
2. 교육프로그램 인지도 37
3. 교육프로그램 운영실태 43
4. 교육프로그램 활성화 방안 56

제5장 맺음말 65

참고문헌 69
Abstract 73
제주대학교 교육대학원
강은실. (2011). 박물관의 교육프로그램 활성화 방안 연구
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Education > History Education
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  • 공개 구분공개
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